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Notice of Annual General Meeting

特此通知AG平台公司股东周年暨特别会议(“股东大会”). (“公司”)将在大成加拿大律师事务所的办公室举行, 77 King Street West, 5th Floor, TD North Tower, Toronto-Dominion Centre, Toronto, Ontario, M5K 0A1 on Wednesday, the 11th day of May, 2016 at 10:00...


April 20, 2016

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN AG平台有限公司股东年会及特别会议(“股东大会”. (“公司”)将在大成加拿大律师事务所的办公室举行, 77 King Street West, 5th Floor, TD North Tower, Toronto-Dominion Centre, Toronto, Ontario, M5K 0A1 on Wednesday, the 11th day of May, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. (多伦多时间),以作下列用途:

  1. 接收AG平台公司的合并财务报表. 截至2015年12月31日的会计年度,连同审计报告;
  2. to elect directors of the Corporation;
  3. 委任毕马威会计师事务所为公司的审计师,并授权公司董事确定其薪酬;
  4. to consider and, if thought advisable, to pass a resolution (in the form attached as Schedule A to the accompanying management information circular (the “Circular”)) approving the amendment of the Corporation’s deferred share unit plan for directors (as described in the Circular); and
  5. 处理会议或任何休会前可能适当提出的进一步和其他事务.


本通知随附通函副本及委托表格. 拟提交股东大会审议事项的具体细节载于本通告. 股东应仔细阅读本通函,以评估拟在会议上审议的事项.

Only Shareholders of record as at April 11, 2016年有权在会议上投票其股份, or at any adjournment thereof, either in person or by proxy.

未能亲自出席会议的股东请填写, 根据委托书及通函所载指示,在随附的委托书表格上签署及注明日期,并根据通函所载指示及时间表将委托书交回.


About IBI Group Inc.

IBI Group Inc. (TSX:IBG)是一个全球集成的架构, planning, engineering, and technology firm with over 2,200 professionals around the world. For more than 40 years, 其专业人士帮助客户创造宜居环境, sustainable, and advanced urban environments. AG平台认为,城市必须以智能系统来设计, sustainable buildings, efficient infrastructure, and a human touch.

For further information:

Stephen Taylor, CFO
IBI Group Inc.
55 St. Clair Avenue West Toronto, ON M4V 2Y7
Tel: 416‐596‐1930

Riyaz Lalani
Bayfield Strategy, Inc.
Tel: 416‐907‐9365

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